Suggestions for Week One Masks to Make

Hi there fellow maskmakers! I’m still trying to decide which wrestler’s mask I want to make for the Week One Mask Challenge, and I thought you might too. So to help us both, I’m going to make a list of as many wrestlers I can think of that have a single-plate mask. If you can…

Week One Mask Challenge

We’re starting off simple: Pick a classic mask that you’ve never made before, and make it. Caveat: it has to be one with one-layer plating, ie, it has just a one-layer faceplate, without any outline or stacked layers. As an example, El Santo and The Assassin have one-layer plates, since each facial feature (or plate)…

Welcome MMMers!

Hello fellow maskmaskers! I have a lot of friends who do those month-long creative endeavours like NaNoWriMo, where you write a novel in a month, but I’ve never actually participated in one, because I’ve never discovered one that inspired me. I then got to thinking, hey, if I can’t find one I like, why not…