Success! Congratuwelldone!

March 2019 has come and gone, and with it, the first ever MaskMaking March! We originally created this month of maskmaking challenges to encourage people to make wrestling masks, and to stretch their skills in maskmaking. We were quite happy with the participation level, considering this was the first year of MaskMaking March, and that it was started suddenly and with little fanfare or publicity. Two maskmakers participated in our first outing, and we’d like to give them both a big hand.

Green Ant, that resilient rookie of The Colony and insectoid wrestler of Chikara, was the star standout of MaskMaking March, consistently finishing his Weekly Challenges far before the deadline and creating great masks each and every week. Check out Green Ant on Twitter and buy his merch right here! Thank you so much for participating in MaskMaking March, Mr. Ant!

Dr. Omega from Omega Masks also participated in all four of the Weekly Mask Challenges, and produced some great-looking work! Follow him on Twitter to see what he produces in the future. Loved seeing you participate in MaskMaking March, Dr. Omega!

Also an extra thanks to WildCat for tagging us on the gear he made for himself during this month! Loved seeing your stuff. Everybody’s invited to check out WildCat on Twitter and Facebook.

And thus concludes our first ever MaskMaking March! With the popularity of the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and similar events that challenge people to be creative within a particular span of time, we thought we’d see if people might be interested in something similar revolving around making professional wrestling masks. We enjoy seeing what our fellow maskmakers can create, and love to share ideas and encouragement. We plan to do this again in 2020, so we hope to see everybody next year for another MaskMaking March. All maskmakers are invited to participate, and everyone who loves masks or creativity in general is invited to enjoy the month along with us. Thanks to Green Ant and Dr. Omega for stepping up to the Weekly Mask Challenges, and we hope to see more maskmakers joining the fun next year. Thanks for a great MaskMaking March!!!!

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