Welcome to MMM 2020!


Hello fellow maskmaskers! I have a lot of friends who do those month-long creative endeavours like NaNoWriMo, where you write a novel in a month, but I’ve never actually participated in one, because I’ve never discovered one that inspired me. I then got to thinking, hey, if I can’t find one I like, why not make one? Now let’s see…what would I like to spend a month doing? Making wrestling masks, of course! I started fiddling around with the idea at the beginning of 2019, and decided to pick March as a good month for the activity, due to the alliteration factor.

So, MaskMaking March…what is it? Simply put, it’s a month where anybody who has an interest is encouraged to make professional wrestling masks. Each Sunday in March, a Mask Challenge will be posted here on the website, and participants will have one week to make a wrestling mask that fits the requirements of the Challenge. Participants are encouraged to post pictures of their mask on their social media of choice, and tag them with #MaskMakingMarch. Your pictures will be reposted here on the website. Participants are also encouraged to post progress pics!

Note: this isn’t a contest, it’s not a competition. We’re not judging masks. Anybody who is interested is welcome to participate. MaskMaking March is about encouraging people to be creative and to give them a little push into doing something fun and rewarding. I’ve done several “prompt-based” artistic projects with friends in the past, and have always enjoyed being given an idea, and then coming up with my own creation based on that idea. It’s a good way to get off your butt and get out and do something. MaskMaking March should be fun. Enjoy yourself!

I say it’s not a competition, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be a winner. I always think it’s cool to have something special to show that you’re part of the club, so anybody who participates in MaskMaking March by sewing their own mask for each and every one of the four weeks of Mask Challenges will get…something. Last year, everybody got hoodies. I promised t-shirts, but upgraded them to hoodies since there was just a couple of participants. Right now the plan is for the participant prize to be a maskmaker’s apron to wear while you work. If a bunch of people participate, I may have to downgrade that to a t-shirt or something. I don’t have a job right now, and it’s just me doing this, so I don’t want to go broke. Everyone will get something, though.

Okay, stand by for the first week’s Mask Challenge, coming to a post on this very website mighty soon!

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