Week Three Submission – Green Ant/Mr. Iguana Fusion by Green Ant

Lick it up! Green Ant has put together another great mask, creating a fusion between himself and the lustrous lizard Mr. Iguana! That tongue seals the deal. Hilarious. Check out Green Ant’s full post here, and why not treat yourself and buy his cool new shirt right here?

Week Three Mask Challenge

MaskMaking March is halfway over! Just two more Mask Challenges to go. Let’s get right to this week’s task! Have you ever wanted to make a mask, but couldn’t decide which wrestler’s mask to make? Or worse yet, there were two wrestlers whose masks you wanted to make, but you couldn’t decide which one to…

Week Two Submission – Gold Dasher Hatfield by Green Ant

Green Ant outdid himself this week, stepped up to the plate and hit a home run with his all-golden rendering of a Dasher Hatfield mask. Just gorgeous. See G.A.’s full writeup here. Follow him on Twitter here and get cool insectoid merchandise right here.

Week Two Mask Challenge

We hope everybody is enjoying Maskmaking March! Here we are in the second week of March, and that means it’s time for another Mask Challenge! For week two, you can choose any wrestler’s mask to make, any mask past, present, or future. The catch is, you have to make a monochromatic version! Take the original…

Week One Submission – Jigsaw by Green Ant

The very first submission to Maskmaking March comes to us from none other but that valiant young member of wrestling megastable The Colony—Green Ant! For this week’s challenge of a single-plate mask, the Resilient Rookie of Chikara chose to make the mask of the legendary Chikara wrestler Jigsaw! See his creation below, and then you…

Suggestions for Week One Masks to Make

Hi there fellow maskmakers! I’m still trying to decide which wrestler’s mask I want to make for the Week One Mask Challenge, and I thought you might too. So to help us both, I’m going to make a list of as many wrestlers I can think of that have a single-plate mask. If you can…

Week One Mask Challenge

We’re starting off simple: Pick a classic mask that you’ve never made before, and make it. Caveat: it has to be one with one-layer plating, ie, it has just a one-layer faceplate, without any outline or stacked layers. As an example, El Santo and The Assassin have one-layer plates, since each facial feature (or plate)…

Welcome MMMers!

Hello fellow maskmaskers! I have a lot of friends who do those month-long creative endeavours like NaNoWriMo, where you write a novel in a month, but I’ve never actually participated in one, because I’ve never discovered one that inspired me. I then got to thinking, hey, if I can’t find one I like, why not…